Team Foretress 2 Memes Entire Team Is Babies

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    Official Videos

  • "It costs $400,000 to (insert inane action here)... for 12 seconds." Caption A snowclone, courtesy of the "Come across the Heavy" video. The original line is "Information technology costs $400,000 to burn this weapon... for 12 seconds."
    • The fan-made clarification for the Heavy Duty Rag brings this meme into the game proper: "It costs $400,000 to wear this bandanna for 12 seconds."
    • BOOLIT Caption "Bullet" as filtered through Heavy's Funetik Aksent.
    • "Some people think they tin outsmart [insert noun here]. Mayhap. Possibly. I've still to meet anyone who can outsmart [insert another substantive here]!" Explanation Some other snowclone. The original sentence is "Some people think they can outsmart me. Peradventure. Perchance. I've yet to meet anyone who can outsmart bullet."
    • His "bullet" line enjoyed a cursory resurgence thanks to Blazblue Chronophantasma which features a new fighter chosen Bullet. It didn't take long for some fanart to show up depicting that familiar scene, only replacing the bodily bullet with a figurine of said female person fighter.
  • "...Unless it's a farm!" Explanation The end of the Soldier'southward bluster in the "Meet the Soldier" video. Used to unfavorably compare something, such as: "And from that day forward, any time a bunch of animals are together in one place information technology'due south called a Zoo/Tzu. ...Unless it'due south a farm!"
  • "And if that don't work? Employ more gun." Explanation The Engineer's communication in the "Meet the Engineer" video. Solves all problems.
    • Beingness able to quote "Meet the Engineer" in its entirety is pretty much a requisite for most players. It'due south also popular as snowclone material.
  • "I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Explanation The Demoman's line at the terminate of the "See the Demoman" video. Yet another Badass Boast.
    • "Oh, they're gonna accept ta gum you back together... IN HELL!"
  • "Professionals take standards: Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone yous run across." Explanation From the "Meet The Sniper" video. Actually a slightly modified version of the motto of the The states Marines, information technology is used every bit a general Badass Boast.
    • This has gotten a few videos turning that phrase around: "Be polite. Exist polite. Have a program to exist polite to everyone you meet."
    • "I'thousand non a [X], I'k a [Y]. Well the deviation existence one is a job and the other is mental sickness!" Explanation Sniper explaining the difference between a crazed gunman and an assassin to his father. Chop-chop turned into a snowclone used to explain the departure between two things, with the beginning thing existence made fun of due to the setup of the line.
  • "And at present he'south here to f(Bleep) the states!" Explanation From the "Run across the Spy" video, the warning that the BLU Spy gives to the BLU team about the RED Spy. Some other general Badass Avowal.
    • "No, that would be YOUR MOTHER!" Explanation From the same video, the BLU Spy tells the BLU Picket that the latter'southward mother is the actual president of the RED Spy's fan club and proceeds to show photos of the Ruby-red Spy having sex activity with her.
  • "<verb> me." "Afterwards." Explanation In "Run across the Medic", this short substitution between the Medic and the BLU Spy's severed head (Spy: "Kill me!") prompted yet some other TF2 snowclone, generally used for anything that will probably never be done: (Such as "Make Half-Life 3." "Later.")
    • "Are yous sure [10] will vork?!" "I take NO Thought! " Explanation A conversation betwixt the Heavy and the Medic. This prompted another snowclone, generally used when asked a question someone has no expertise in or doesn't want to answer.
  • I believe in magic! Explanation A reference to the music used in Meet the Pyro, oft in relation to something deemed glorious.
    • Pyro's listen is full of [10] Caption Replacing what's seen through the Pyro's visor with pretty much annihilation
  • At present that the Source Filmmaker is released, remixing the Run across the Team videos to feature different characters or more characters is becoming pop. Normally Run into the Heavy and Run into the Soldier, every bit these two and See the Engineer are the only ones that come packaged with the plan.
  • "My blood! H-he punched out all my blood!" Explanation Offscreen hilarity from the "Meet the Sandvich" video.
  • "You lot would not believe how much this hurts." Explanation Scout's line from the end of "Meet the Medic", which became a full general phrase to refer to any injury or painful state of affairs.
  • "I fear no [X]. Simply that... thing... it scares me." Explanation A snowclone from "Run across the Pyro", based upon Heavy's description of Pyro (wherein [10] is "human being"). Used in reference to disturbing imagery, videos, etc., with [X] representing that detail form of media.
  • "This is [X]." "Dear God." "There'due south more." "No." Caption In Expiration Engagement, Soldier, in true Soldier way, makes a massive deal out of a saucepan of all things. This meme typically crops up in response to any grade of the phrase "This is [X]"; the more than mundane [10] is, the better.
  • "SEDUCE ME!" Caption The Spy repeatedly tries to teach Scout how to talk to a adult female in Expiration Date. Predictably the lines were taken out of context and used for many jokes, particularly regarding Spy'due south Casanova reputation.
    • "We both got buckets of chicken, wanna do information technology?" Caption The Scout trying to explicate to the Spy that he's good with women. The scene then cuts to a flashback of the Scout hitting on a girl at a fried craven articulation with this line. The daughter (who the Spy refers to as a "fried chicken tramp") says yes.
  • "So nosotros're fine, as long as nobody [insert bad thing hither]." "...Question." Caption Engineer explains how everything is fine so long as nobody teleported bread...which Soldier sheepishly admits to. Now used for Tempting Fate situations.
    • "I accept done nothing but [action] [noun] for iii days." Caption A snowclone based on one of Soldier'south lines.
      • "I TELEPORTED Bread!" Explanation A dramatic variant of the above, since the original line was "I've done naught but teleport staff of life for iii days." Believe it or non, in context, it's a Wham Line.
    • Soldier X Bucket OTP Caption Soldier's affection for the saucepan chop-chop led to jokes and/or shipping.
  • "Archimedes, no! It's filthy in there!" Caption In "Meet the Medic", Heavy is lying on Medic's operating tabular array with a massive wound in his torso. Medic discovers one of his pet doves, Archimedes, playing in the wound and shoos the bird away with this line. In many YouTube videos featuring doves, at to the lowest degree ane of the comments will reference this line.

    Comics and Other Supplemental Material

    Customs-Created Stuff

  • and hoovy Caption A series of videos titled with the template "and (misspelled class)" consisting of a still epitome of a course (typically the course looks sad or serious) and some form of pitiful or serious music. Information technology is a tradition for people to reply in the comments with a short, distressing story to become with the video.
  • Demopan Explanation The handsome fellow gracing the meridian of this folio originally appeared in a reddit mail service entitled "The New Face of TF2", as well as a thread on Steam forums, partly to ridicule how the game had evolved since its release past that bespeak. He quickly became a Memetic Badass, appearing in numerous YouTube videos since his debut, and causing the items he equips (namely, Bounty Hat, Dangeresque, Besides?, Chargin Targe and Frying Pan) to get highly sought later.
    • STOUT SHAKO FOR 2 REFINED Explanation Demopan's catchphrase, originated from the username seen on the infamous image. The name is also a trade request, with the Stout Shako referring to a hat wearable by the Soldier, and the refined referring to Refined Metal, a crafting ingredient which unofficially doubles equally Applied Currency.
  • Painis Cupcake Explanation A Garry'south Modernistic character resembling a soldier with a memorable mode of movement (sliding effectually walls and floors while making shotgun sounds), and he eats people after delivering his catchphrase "I am Painis Cupcake. I volition eat you" (mashed together from several different voice commands), and a Slasher Smile. Spawned from a YouTube video made using Garry'south Mod, quickly leading to several imitators and an even greater number of fan videos starring the "character". Seems to have created a pseudo-tradition of using music by Grant Kirkhope as Background Music for TF2/GMod videos.
  • "Vagineer" Explanation When the Engineer's facial musculus sliders are prepare to a strange position, the Engineer'southward mouth twists into something resembling a vagina. In his earliest known appearance in a video by J16FOX, Vagineer became an Eldritch Anathema, and according to Fanon has many strange powers such as shooting his own limbs off at people and airsickness bile. He likewise simply speaks in reverse, with the exception of occasional growls, and the word "Gottam". Like Painis Cupcake, several imitations accept been made using similar facial muscle slider abuse and opposite speech.
  • Oddscout. Information technology Begins. Explanation Oddscout is another Eldritch Abomination, inspired by the Slender Man.
  • DED! Explanation A joke in Garry'southward Mod animations where characters tend to denote their own deaths, mainly Scout citing that "I'm dead" or Heavy simply chiming in with "dead"
    • Now something of an Ascended Meme with Mann Vs Auto: Whenever a friendly role player is killed, this will trigger specific vocalism responses from some of the game characters (note: only from Heavy, Medic, Engineer or Soldier, while the classes Sniper, Scout, Spy, Demoman and Pyro class lack these vocalisation lines) who will yell, "[Class] is dead!!!" The Medic, who can't do jack shit on his own, is sounding peculiarly desperate.
    • Soldier gets this likewise, with his "You were loud and ugly, and now yous're Dead!" and "Y'all're expressionless, that's good, Amen." lines, which are sometimes mashed into such lines as "I / was / loud and ugly, and now / I'thousand / DEAD! / A-men." and "Expressionless that'due south expert amen."
  • (Class) IS (THING) Caption A fad which starts with a class saying something along the lines of "(Class) is (matter)!" (achieved by using the "Spy!" command when pointed at a particular person) or past saying "I am (Thing)!". The video then goes on to show that class being the thing. Originaly starting with AR Master with "Scout IS DELICIOUS", it has since spawned many variations. As of December 30th, there's a collaboration dedicated to the 10-year ceremony of the meme, hosted by the original creator.
  • "The Cruel Cycle of ____" Explanation A pop fad started by YouTube user Raikujo, featuring lightning-fast killings of classes, ordinarily in succession, gear up to "Bãtutã Din Moldova" from Rabbids Go Home. Each ane starts with a graphic symbol running in, turning their head to meet someone, then after the fanfare of the vocal begins, the commotion starts. Each ends with the original character respawning. The unique feature of each video is the fact that it loops, caused by a glitch in YouTube caused by using suspension annotations at the very concluding frame of the video. (YouTube has now added a looping feature to the player, making these videos "last" much longer.) Hither are some particularly "skilful" ones
  • "Gunshot Briiiide..." Explanation Pendulum'due south Propane Nightmares is a pretty popular music choice for TF2 skillshot clips, especially with projectile weapons like the Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher. In-game, players often use "Gunshot Helpmate" as shorthand for shooting someone out of the air with an explosive (which is much harder than it sounds).
  • '''UNLIMITED Power!!!!''' Explanation Popular meme of a role player named Chozo who goes on a hilarious cursing rage allowing many memes such as the one above. The rage-induced player is often mentioned in TF2 bulletin boards and forums whenever someone mentions the best histrion of all time. And yeah, information technology'due south derived from that one Star Wars meme (Quoth Chozo: "I'G Similar FUCKING EMPEROR PALPATINE!"), although the delivery is different.
  • "____ in a Nutshell" Caption An older fad started by NearElite. Each video basically sums up each map in under a minute. Each video is gear up to the music "Intruder Warning." Usually, the post-obit is involved: ridiculous amounts of sentries, utter anything of the other team at chokepoints, and excessive amounts of Snipers. A lot of the time, the Snipers are stabbed by Spies that announced backside them, ready to sad music.
  • The HWM models. Explanation The HWM stands for "hard-ware morph", and in Garry's Modern, when faceposing, the models produce more distorted results, particularly with Team Fortress ii models.
  • nope.avi Explanation The Engineer running upward to the camera, his helmet inexplicably levitating, him saying "Nope.", then telescoping his neck after it similar a turtle. Has seen enough of use on bulletin boards as "nope.avi" or an ASCII image whenever the context calls for someone answering in the negative. In that location's also "Yeah!", the opposite version where the Engineer's neck squashes downwardly.
    • The Nope exclamation itself has become something of a meme fifty-fifty outside of Team Fortress 2, often used in gameplay videos where some sort of well-timed denial takes identify, particularly the No-Sell sort.
  • Smexuals Explanation A trend of videos with titles that typically go along the lines of "sexual_class.filetype". These consist of HWM-ized faces in a blackness background and the use sound splices, often vulgar and surreal, of the subject course(es) and some others within the game. The tendency had been popularized through the video sexual_heavy.wmv. The "sexual_class" snowclone later evolved to other adjectives similar "slightly_provocative_heavy" and eventually into long, nonsensical phrases similar "stu_pidface's_flatulent_extravaganza" The ".filetype" can refer to just nearly anything, whether existent formats like ".wmv" or whatever word they desire similar ".wut" or ".stupid", etc. A sub-tendency involves people making bodily videos with animations matching those in the original, unremarkably with messed upwards and slightly NSFW results.
  • POOT DIS Pw! Explanation A crossover meme with Skyrim. "Poo Tis Prisoner of war" is the Heavy'due south version of "Fus Ro Dah" using the Showdown taunt to fling enemies around. With proper timing, it is possible to pull this off in-game.
  • Making Team Fortress 2 versions of Nathan Vetterlein'southward videos, every bit he is the Sentry'southward voice role player and provides videos ofttimes for animators to TF2-ize.
    • Glass Explanation Nathan often goes on bizarre, improvised tangents about glass when warming up. This derives from his habit of using "Glass? Who gives a shit near glass?" as a trigger phrase to assist sideslip into the Scout's Brooklyn accent.
  • Tentaspy Caption Depicting the Spy with octopus tentacles instead of legs.
  • The Lookout Army Caption A YouTube Role-Playing community fad involving a large group of people with a deformed scout face (from "Heavy and Scout think they are birds") as their profile icon. You tin can commonly find them commenting on a (ordinarily TF2 related) video. Said contour icons usually have noticeable differences MS-painted over the picture, such as a pirate beard or a monocle; resulting in the commenters acting appropriately, a prime case of this fad taking place in a videos' comment section can be seen here.
  • Pop it, don't driblet information technology Explanation A Team Service Announcement video that teaches new players to learn that a popped uber is meliorate than a wasted one had the Medic… well, doing this. The phrase itself is much older, being a mutual piece of advice for new medics, but then YouTube user Crazyhalo, along with Chaofanatic and anangrysockpuppet, created a replacement for the Medic and Heavy's Encounter the Medic and Schadenfreude taunt, respectively. Not merely did this end up creating a small meme, simply it ended up increasing the costs for the Meet the Medic taunt only considering of how popular it was.
  • Fake weapons stats. Explanation On videos featuring weapons or not-weapon objects doing improbable things, fake stats are written up for them in the comments, to parody the game'due south stat balances. For example, "The Marx-Mann's Crossbow: +300% Firing Speed. + Fires explosive bolts. + No reloading. - Bolts practise non heal allies. - No crits." or "The Warbarrow: +30% running speed. +thirty% explosive resistance. -50% turning speed. -Pusher cannot use weapons."
  • "_____ or ______?" Explanation A trend of videos (Such every bit this ane) consisting of two characters exchanging the ii chosen titular phrases back and along at each other (the phrase being the first syllable of a word followed by the same syllable in reverse, similar "MeeM"), interrupted by a 3rd character with their own phrase followed by reaction shots of the original 2, and finally ending with a fourth graphic symbol serving as a Stinger of sorts. Still, it's plainly obvious that the main attraction here isn't the vocalisation clips. As well often accompanied past distorted and/or reversed music, as if just to highlight how alien they expect and sound.
  • The Staregineer Explanation The Engineer with his goggles removed revealing his minor beady sunken-in optics giving a very creepy blank stare. His goggles cannot exist removed-in game and can just be done past editing the model in Garry'southward Mod or Source Film Maker. Many fans discover the Staregineer'due south advent to be unsettling, frequently falling into the Uncanny Valley. Almost of his appearances in videos volition exist accompanied with a Scare Chord.
  • The Sewer Medic Explanation Created past YouTube user "gb7zone7". The Medic who dwells in any map with an Absurdly Spacious Sewer. He is very territorial and will threaten any trespassers with "Get away from my sewer!" He tends to walk on all fours and his master mode of set on is screaming loudly, causing his enemies to explode. The Sewer Medic has spawned a few parodies, usually beingness some form of "The [location] [form]."
  • Christian Cruel Sniper Explanation The Scarlet Sniper as a homicidal maniac and Torture Technician. Often seen brutally killing and torturing other TF2 characters and dissecting their bodies. He has a BLU Spy every bit an ally and his theme song is 'Millionaire'south Vacation' by Combustible Edison. Sometimes he plays the song while torturing a victim a la Reservoir Dogs. The CBS has gotten and then infamous that he actually appears every bit an alternate character for Saxton Unhurt in "Vs. Saxton Hale" game modes along with other TF2 freaks like the Vagineer.
  • big slappy Explanation An image of a crazy legs Lookout : his waist bends in a weird way that pronounces his ass. Often jokingly used as a counterpoint against TF2 that information technology doesn't take "thicc girls".
  • Food Debates Caption A YouTube video fad of several classes getting into debates over their Trademark Favorite Foods. While the Heavy's love of his Sandvich is catechism, the rest are usually taken out of context by editing sentences from in game quotes.
    • Heavy: Sandvich Explanation Option a Sandvich quote, any quote.
    • Scout: Pancakes Caption "Today aint your day, pancakes!"
    • Sniper: Apples Explanation Ahh, that's apples mate or Gravy Explanation "Oi! Y'all're bleedin' gravy, fatso!"
    • Engineer: Bacon Explanation "Hoooweee, makin' bacon!"
    • Demoman: Soup Explanation "They're gonna have to coffin what's left of you lot in a soup can!"
    • Pyro: Jell-O Explanation One of his cries which is often misheard as "Helloooooooo".
    • Spy: Corn or Pie Explanation "I'm going to gut you like a cornish game hen!" and "Too bad this wasn't a pie-eating contest!"
  • Speaking of Spy: Suprise Buttsecks Explanation The spy'due south strategy is mostly backstabbing people and to do such, one must become backside the enemy player just to become the backstab. While doing such, it unintendedly looks like that he is performing buttsex on the victim.
  • New Weapons Soldier Explanation New Weapons Soldier is a character created by Gmod YouTuber Genowhirl 70 who unremarkably appears at the end of his "Update Ten in a nutshell" videos, typically seen pleading for "new weapons plz?" and then screeching loudly in anger when his request is denied. His theme song is "Heaven Funk" past Raxxo.
  • The "Tiny Desk Engineer". In that location's fifty-fifty an addon for Garry's Modern that adds the actual Tiny Desk-bound Engineer including the Tiny Desk-bound Dispenser!
  • *square trip the light fantastic music* YEEEEEEEEEEEEE Explanation Youtube videos volition infrequently feature the first bit of Engineer's "Yeehaw" voiceline played over a hyper sped-upwardly version of the Square Trip the light fantastic song, accompanied with a similarly sped-upwards Engineer doing the Kazotsky Kick, and typically followed by everything exploding. It likely originated (or at to the lowest degree, gained popularity) from Dr. Lalve's The (course) Guide serial.
  • Joke maps are beginning to get traction. Explanation The meme probably started with the aforementioned cp_orange with 50 floors. It's beginning to expand into every other map.
  • ZA HANDO note A popular rename for the Hot Mitt, helped in no pocket-size part by the fact that one of its attack animations is a downwards swipe; Other jokes are following in hot pursuit.
  • "Oopsie! I made a large stinky! >west<" annotation The taunt for the Thermal Thruster has the Pyro hold up a match to their rear end earlier turning on their jetpack thrusters. Combine this with the stereotype that all Pyro mains are furries (for...some reason? Apart from that one, of course) and you become many, many cringeworthy jokes about fart fetishes.
  • "MEH-LON!" notation Originating from an one-time Garry'southward Mod video "SPY IS MELON", this phrase is widely associated with the Spy where in certain animations, he's obsessed with watermelons. Hither's a good example.
  • "Set your AINIS!" note Based off from the "Prepare Your Anus" meme, which is featured in some Smexuals where Soldier is nigh to be involved in molesting someone without any apparent reason.
  • Abandoned Hydro Facility Explanation Before the Encounter Your Match update, tc_hydro was one of the least played maps in the game's history, despite being one of the six maps that shipped with information technology in the first place. This has led to it being depicted in Garry's Mod and Source Filmmaker videos as a deserted facility which is rarely, if e'er, visited, making it a expert place to hide something, or to live in isolation.
  • Hey Medic I similar [X] Explanation A series of videos involving a Mere saying they similar something to Medic, merely for the Medic to badmouth it. Loud music plays.
  • Heavy Is Dead Explanation A short, memorable machinima made by the legendary Garry's Mod animator Antoine Delak, which revolves around the murder of the titular Heavy and the lightheaded Reverse Whodunnit that follows. The blitheness proved to exist memetic enough to spawn a moving ridge of parodies in the vein of the "We Are Number One" meme on Youtube, besides as copypastas containing the unabridged script of the video and people reenacting it in comment threads.
  • There ARE NO WORDS ON GOD'South GREEN Globe THAT Can DESCRIBE HOW SPECTACULARLY Erect I AM. Explanation An paradigm of the Engineer with a shocked expression with the quote on the image stitched together from messages that were taken from various words. Used to limited amazement and awe, or animalism towards something or an epitome, in jest or otherwise.
  • Disquisitional SHIT. Caption A very strange image that follows the trend of making TF2 memes out of cursed or Uncanny Valley images with quotes that were made from letters coming from several sources. With this one focusing on The Soldier with a horrifyingly glitched out and deformed face that looks like information technology's creaming while squatting downwardly, leading to an obvious joke invoving people going to the can.
  • Soupcan Pyro Explanation An odd brute that appears as a Pyro living in a small bucket in a fashion akin to a hermit crab, debuting in the Garry's Mod machinima video "Monday's Troubles by STBlackST. Dubbed the Soupcan Pyro, it became very popular inside the community cheers to its ambrosial looks.
  • TF2 videos Explanation is a text-to-speech programme capable of synthesizing the voices of diverse popular civilisation characters with shockingly good accuracy (to the point of existence most-perfect in some cases, and generally at least usable for fun nonsense), assuasive the user to make them say merely about whatever line they wish. The community had a huge field solar day with the program when the cast of Squad Fortress 2 was officially added, spawning a video trend where the mercs are made to act out humorous and absurd dialogue. For some reason, an well-nigh universal abiding seems to be the Demoman existence the Only Sane Man in his team.
    • Demoman finds out [x] Caption Ane popular series of videos involves scenarios where a merc — usually the Demoman — discovers that his coworkers secretly have some specific inclination, fetish, or bizarre hobby, and angrily chastises them for it. The activity in question tends to be one of several Acceptable Hobby Targets on the Net, such as an masturbating to hentai, having a furry fetish, etc.
  • engineer gaming Explanation A phrase derived from a Revolver Ocelot-esque image where every bit of text says "engineer gaming." Often paired with Robot Rock past Daft Punk or used as a snowclone, with the first word beingness replaced with another noun related to the game.
    • <class> gaming Explanation snowclones existed in the class of requesting the voice actors to say the "<course> gaming!" lines. Robin Atkin Downes (for the Medic), John Patrick Lowrie (for the Sniper), Nathan Vetterlein (for the Scout), Gary Schwartz (for both the Heavy and Demoman), Dennis Bateman (for the Spy and Pyro) and Nolan Due north (for Merasmus) have said their lines.
  • TF2 characters laughing at tragedy Explanation A trend of editing Tear Jerker scenes from various works so that its tragic tone is juxtaposed past the inclusion of the Squad Fortress 2 mercs performing their Schadefreude taunt, making it look as if they're laughing their butts off at the suffering of the characters present. Fans consider this to exist perfectly in line with the game's usual brand of Comedic Sociopathy, noting how the resulting Mood Dissonance makes the Tear Jerker in question much funnier than it has any right to be.
    • Spy killed Anna Explanation A pop edit of ane of Frozen'south signature scenes — in which Elsa mourns over the Disney Decease of her sister Anna afterward the latter finally succumbs to the curse Elsa accidentally put on her, turning Anna into an icy statue — had the Spy laughing maniacally at Elsa's hurting from the groundwork. Because the Spy can wield the Spy-cicle in-game, a precipitous icicle that inflicts a similar fate on enemies upon backstabbing them with it, it wasn't long until fans took observe and joked that he actually murdered Anna in this style.
  • Demoflower Explanation A picture of a sunflower with the Demoman'due south grin face edited onto it. Originating from a Stylistic Suck parody of glurgy motivational posters, the Demoflower is usually accompanied with the catchphrase "You're doin skillful, lad", often typed in the Comic Sans font. Others accept also posted variations of the meme using different mercs, complete with motivational phrases deriving from their voice lines.
  • "I am the Spy!" Caption A quote popularized by Lazy Majestic where the Spy announces his archway every time he appears... and unremarkably gets spectacularly endemic.
  • TF2 Heavy Spinning Explanation A clip of Heavy in Civilian pose spinning in place while playing "The Lincolnshire Poacher" interval signal via vox chat.
    • The blithe version of the above meme.
      • Information technology's likely that this meme was inspired by a very erstwhile Jimbomcb (the guy who created nope.avi) video titled babe station pt. 2.
  • Madcap Explanation In 2012, someone posted an infamous Workshop cosmetic named the "Madcap": a desperately modelled, biker-themed outfit fabricated for the Scout, consisting of a clunkly leather vest too wide for the Scout's lanky frame, and a spiked helmet with Mercury'southward Wings and opaque built-in lense that awkwardly rests above the Scout'due south forehead. The corrective speedily became memetic and widely considered to be So Bad, It'south Proficient within the community, to the point that many beg Valve to add the Madcap as an official cosmetic. In addition, the "Madcap Sentinel" — the Scout who appears in the Workshop post'due south thumbnail, wearing the cosmetic in question — is ofttimes portrayed every bit a Humanoid Anathema due to his Uncanny Valley appearance, complete with its own creepypasta.
    • for you lot endeavour not to pass an plenty frightening kind under wires on which pigeons sit because they tin can easily lower your reputation,,, Explanation The Madcap creator's attempt at writing Season Text, which ended upwards coming across as Word-Salad Horror due to how incoherent it is. Expect people to quote it in whatever post relating to the Madcap.
  • The Fantastic Dr. Plastic Explanation Some other popular community-made corrective is Medic'south "The Fantastic Doctor Plastic" facial cosmetic, which is based on the weird facial structure of the Bogdanoff twins afterward their facial surgery. With it's elongated lips, excessively abrupt jawlines, and wide and protruding cheeks, this cosmetic became i of the most requested cosmetics to be added to TF2 due to it'due south hilariously Uncanny Valley appearance. Information technology was included in multiple SFM videos, which further cements the popularity of that cosmetic.
  • The Torso Builder Explanation "The Trunk Builder" is all the same another community-made cosmetic for the Engineer that apace became honey by the fandom; when equipped, information technology turns the Engineer into an buff, muscular Walking Shirtless Scene that well-nigh rivals Saxton Hale himself. Fans took to portraying the Trunk Builder Engineer as a hyper-masculine Memetic Badass of sorts, oft nicknaming him as "Chad Engineer", or "Chadgineer" for short. ("Chad" beingness Cyberspace slang for confident, masculine, and sexually active men.)
  • "The TF2 community will fall on March 15." Explanation On March 9, a 14 yr old Twitter user — under the nickname of "Telling Animephobes To Shut Up" — expressed frustration at the TF2 customs due to receiving alleged harassment from its members, claiming to "expose" the customs along with some of its popular members in retaliation, and insinuating that the onetime will plummet on March fifteen. This led to a surge of memes making fun of the tweet, with the community jokingly reacting in mock horror and sadness at the prediction that TF2'south days are numbered, along with various responses ranging from business concern to mockery aimed towards the user. (Ultimately, nothing happened.)
  • Merchandise offer Caption A TikTok meme emerging on March 2021, in which a human being in accommodate offers nothing (or something in low value) in substitution for a valuable item. Said man and exchanged items are edited to those of TF2, due to the obvious plumbing fixtures joke.
  • "If chocolate is fabricated by cocoa and cocoa is a plant, does that arrive a salad?" Explanation A Non Sequitur coming from a fan-made comic format of "Expiration Appointment" where Soldier questions Engineer about chocolate beingness a "salad" because that cocoa is a constitute only for the latter to be confused while responding "What" as the result.
  • "Rock005.mdl " Explanation The otherwise innocuous filename for a rock that looks rather like something very phallic.
  • StickMaster500 is everywhere. Caption StickMaster500 is a ridiculously prolific Youtube commenter with a distinct Sniper avatar who is known for commenting on basically every TF2 video. Information technology'due south difficult to find a TF2 video he hasn't made a comment on. And surprisingly, he doesn't just shitpost (though he often does), he sometimes legitimately has something insightful to say.

    The Game Itself

  • Most of the characters' Catch Phrases take attained memetic status, some of which have become Ascended Memes. Outside of that, nearly all of their lines are fodder for getting mashed upward with each other and spat out in-game, thanks to an hands accessible library of all the audio clips and a couple tools that allow playing dorsum clips over mic conversation.
    • Pootis Explanation Put dispenser here! —Heavy
    • Gottam Explanation Gotta One thousandove that fix! —Engineer
    • SPAH Caption The Engineer's pronunciation of "Spy".
    • Painis Explanation "Pain is weakness leaving the body!" —Soldier; usually used in a similar context as "Pingas" or as the aforementioned Painis Cupcake.
    • MEEM! Explanation The "Medic!" call, usually taken from the Medic, with the first syllable edited to cycle forward and contrary. Also unremarkably applied to the wooden target (unremarkably Medic) boards from the game's practice mode. Said targets take been a recurring anathema in the Garry's Modernistic animations.
    • Piss! Explanation Said by Sniper in some of his lines.
  • Need A DISPENSAH HEAH! Caption One of the Lookout's lines is "Need a dispenser here". Not but is this an abrasive command, particularly for Engineers, it is augmented by the Sentry's Boston accent. Users accept taken to spamming this command to badger friendly Engineers, and numerous videos, parodies, and references appears in many other videos.
  • BONK! Explanation One of the sounds a Scout makes when scoring a melee kill. Numerous remixes involving repeated bonks tin be constitute on YouTube.
  • Rare Endangered Spycrab Caption Having the Spy equip his disguise kit, look upwards, and crouch causes him to enter an amusing pose resembling a crab . Because they are supposedly "rare and endangered", players in on the joke volition avoid killing Spycrabs... unless the Spy tries to abuse this to capture a point or impale many enemies. This became an Ascended Meme, as Valve left the glitch in and referenced it with a unique taunt, and appear as a poster in Carnival of Carnage. In crossovers with My Picayune Pony: Friendship Is Magic, where Rarity is usually portrayed as the Spy, a pun on her name may be added with a phrase saying "Don't permit this Rarity disappear!"
  • "Spy's sappin' mah picket!" (and any "<SUBJECT> <VERB>in' mah <OBJECT>!" combination thereof) Explanation The Engineer's line when his Sentries are sapped, it has become an internet-wide snowclone used in near any conceivable situation, equally long every bit someone is doing something to something.
  • Scout'due south resemblance to Vince Offer. Became an Ascended Meme in the form of some of his domination/revenge lines.

    "If yous gild now, I'll throw in a 2nd beating absolutely free!"

  • "Gentlemen " Explanation Ane of Spy'south taunts, which became a meme after an image spread on /v/ that showed him attempting to fume approximately 37 cigarettes at once. Variations include "Mentlegen" (a Spy emerging from the mouth of a Spy), and occasionally other classes with a rima oris full of whatsoever is paired with their Catchphrase. (For instance, a Soldier with a mouthful of rockets, exclaiming "MAGGOTS", or a Heavy with a gobful of sandviches, shouting "POOTIS".)
    • Mother Begetter GENTLEMEN Caption Psy released a new single called "Admirer" on April 12 2013. Players caught the joke and went to work fast.
  • TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT Explanation Started primarily on 4chan in anticipation for the eventual "Engineer Update", who was the final of nine classes to get any new weapons. Any time a minor update to TF2 would occur in the coming weeks, people would oftentimes quote the above line.
  • "Can't crit, so it's counterbalanced." Explanation Used to defend a fanmade weapon. At present information technology's used sarcastically to point out the unbalanced nature of other fanmade weapons.
  • Enjoy your AIDS! Explanation "AIDS" is the Fan Nickname for the Medic's virus attack in Team Fortress Archetype. Used whenever someone is infected. Likewise spread to Team Fortress ii thanks to the "drain" effect from the Sniper's Tribalman's Shiv, the Engineer'due south Southern Hospitality, and the Scout's Flying Guillotine, Boston Basher (Three-Rune Blade), and Wrap Assassin.
  • RAWKET LAWNCHAIR Explanation A crossover meme with Metal Slug, referring to Soldier's primary weapons, which are all Rocket Launchers. Mostly brought upwards when said Rocket Launcher rolls a critical hitting, which only Heavy can survive without healing buffs.
  • shoot jump crate, shoot jump crate, shoot bound spy crate. Explanation A line of Engrish on Team Fortress ii'due south department in Steam Forums that gained memetic quality. It likely refers to the four things a player can wait to be doing most often: shooting enemies, jumping, checking for Spies, and managing the Mann Co. Supply Crates in your inventory.
  • Shahanshshnsansanhsanhsansha. Explanation A meme where people obviously can't spell ane of the Sniper'due south melee weapons, the Shahanshah, correctly. Or at all.
  • "This is Lookout! Rainbows make me cry!" Explanation The Spy mocking the Scout in one of his domination lines. Afterward, there are quite a few videos and images that show, or imply, the Picket crying at the sight of a rainbow (and Rainbow Dash in crossovers).
    • With Meet the Pyro and the introduction of the Rainblower, we have "This is Scout. Rainbows make me die!"
  • Those people? They were F2P. Explanation Whenever a poorly-skilled enemy squad is seen in a YouTube video, most players volition claim that they were fabricated up of poorly-skilled newcomers who joined when the game became free to play, or "F2P" for short. Lost about all its relevance a few years subsequently, when near players ended up being F2P. The term at present refers to people who aren't Pay to Play, or P2P, which are people who accept bought something from the Mann Co. Store.
  • Hat Fortress two. Explanation The game has a lot of hats, and the purchase and trading of hats became an enormous role of the community, to the signal where nearly any mention of hats prompts a TF2 joke. Reddit likes to refer to the game as a "war-themed hat simulator".

    Information technology's pretty much amend than TF2 in every possible style now. Except for the total lack of hats. Guess we know who the existent pros are around here.

  • "Slap my hand!" Explanation When the High Five! taunt was added into the game, a new prepare of responses was recorded for the Spy for this purpose; in the Garry's Modernistic world especially, this has led to a lot of instances of the spy posing for a high five out of nowhere.
    • "Slap my ass!" Explanation a pop doctored quote of the above, normally accompanied with sounds of the Soldier'south Disciplinary Action and the yells of "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! YES! MON DIEU!"
  • "Run into? Run into!" Explanation Originated from the Demoman's response line, "Run into? I told ya they were a buncha wee lasses.", and resulted in the creation of a character, Seeman. Usually followed by the Soldier's version from "Now THAT is what I wanna see!", which has taken a similar life of its own as "Seeldier".
  • "ten is credit to team!" Explanation Based off of one of the Heavy's lines after going through a teleporter ("Engineer is credit to squad!"). Information technology is often quoted by players when teammates do badass feats or sarcastically when they indirectly screw others over.
    • Has at present reached Ascended Meme status, because ane of the bots in the offline practice mode is named CreditToTeam.
  • "EVERYONE! Friendship is STUPID magic!" caption I of the Heavy's "Grand Duchess" set voice lines. Given that Gabe Newell is apparently a fan of the show, information technology'south an Affectionate Parody.
  • The [10] is a Spy! explanation The Spy tin disguise himself as anyone or annihilation. In some Squad Fortress 2 dubs, this was used as an expression of acrimony to someone else.
  • "Overtime! Overtime! Overtime! Overtime! Overtime! Overtime!" Caption If a control signal is being captured just as the time limit runs out, the Announcer will declare "Overtime" and not end the game. A glitch emerged where she would yell "Overtime" over and over until it's captured or cleared of attackers. Valve fixed the glitch, merely gave servers the option to reequip it if they liked.
  • FREEEEEE Money! Explanation One of the Medic'southward lines for Mann vs. Motorcar upon sighting the money dropped from destroyed robots. Flanderized past the fanbase to make the Medic obsessed with coin.
  • The Sniper'south kangaroo wife. Explanation One of the Soldier'southward domination lines over the Sniper is "I volition transport my condolences to your kangaroo married woman!" The fans have had a lot of fun with this, ranging from the Sniper literally marrying a kangaroo to existence wed to an anthropomorphic kangaroo to his wife having been raised past them.
  • GET BEHIND ME Medico! Explanation A line used when Heavy is being Ubercharged. The Heavy/Medic pairing is one of the most frequently used, often to the point of shipping and much Ho Yay
  • "Invokum Gigantus Inmypantus!" Caption A blooper line from Medic'southward voice histrion spoken in Canis Latinicus, for the 2013 Halloween special. The fanbase easily made cock jokes and such out of it, expectedly.
  • Bread Fortress 2 Explanation The "Love and State of war" update and Expiration Date video prominently feature breadstuff in several ways, inevitably leading to jokes that bread are the new hats.
  • Conga Fortress ii Explanation The "Love and State of war" update added a diverseness of new taunts, with the Conga taunt being one of them. This taunt involves players doing the Conga, being able to bring together in a line. Big groups of players may be seen doing the Conga together in the center of a map, ofttimes growing to both teams forming a giant Conga line.
  • Kart Fortress 2 Explanation Scream Fortress 2014 brought the Carnival of Carnage map, in which at the end of every round, the teams boxing each other while driving bumper cars.
  • Duck Fortress ii Explanation The Terminate of the Line update letdown caused people to call the game this, as the update mostly revolve around collecting ducks.
  • Pyro Fortress two Explanation The Jungle Inferno update doubled every bit the Pyro'southward next principal update, giving him a number of new weapons and a few contracts that anyone could practice. Because of this, the game became absolutely flooded with Pyros of varying skill levels during and sometime after the issue. While this happens with a lot of class-specific updates, the fact that Pyro is a contentious character in and of his own, and is notoriously unfun to fight in packs, has led to a lot of acrimony and jeering from other players.
  • The Gun Mettle update introduced reskins for many of the non-melee stock weapons, similar to the Arms Deal update from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This has led people to calling the game Team Fortress: Global Offensive, Team Strike: Global Fortress, or some other mashup of the two game titles.
  • How to (action) as (misnamed class). Explanation Used by new players or trolls asking how to do a certain activity, unremarkably specific to a certain class. The course will either have his name inverse to something similar sounding or similar functioning. Examples include, "How to fly every bit sit-in man," "How to focus as burglarize hunter," and "How to go see-through as hush-hush amanuensis."
  • Random crits are off-white and balanced/fun. Explanation Random crits are largely hated for making the game more nigh luck and less about actual skill, often robbing players of victories that could have been earned fairly. People will often quote this whenever they get killed by one, or even sometimes when they get kills with them.
    • Ubersaw crits Caption Medics have a reputation for pulling out their melee weapons when cornered and one-shotting pursuers with a crit on the first swing. This is due to how healing a teammate while they deal damage to enemies builds up the Medic'south crit chance, which makes up a major function of Medic gameplay. Because most Medic mains tend to choose the Ubersaw — which gives 25% ubercharge on kill — as their melee weapon of selection, players often claim that the weapon secretly has a higher crit take a chance than others, whether jokingly or seriously.
  • BONUS DUCKS! Explanation In the Looting Gallery bumper car minigame, crashing into some other player will spawn bonus ducks. Sometimes Merasmus chimes in with that phrase.
  • I'm going to gut you like a cornish Gaben. Explanation A mishearing of Spy's quote "I'1000 going to gut you like a cornish game hen. References the co-founder and president of Valve, Gabe Newell, ordinarily referred to every bit Gaben.
  • "WE ARE IN THE BEAM" or "THE ENEMY IS IN THE Beam" Explanation In Watergate, whenever a thespian gets lifted by the UFO'south beam, a text-to-speech vocalization says either one of these lines. The line itself is provided by Acapela Group'south WillFromAfar, and was presumably there as a stand-in for Ellen McLain to redo. Fans took the voice and ran with it.
  • Gibus Engineer Wildlife Protectors (Thousand.E.W.P) Explanation Because of his defensive playstyle which rarely risks hand-to-hand combat (something new players shy abroad from for fear of getting killed), new players frequently play as Engineer, leading to many experienced players easily killing them due to poor building placement strategy. Ane video uploaded past NISLT where a spy very thoroughly trolls such an engie wearing a Ghostly Gibus (a commonly worn hat past new players due to it being one of the few non-premium hats) ends with suggesting that Gibus Engies are an endangered species which works hard everyday to feed their families, and equally such need to be protected. This led to a joke Steam group advocating their protection, also as a Gibus Engineer Wild fauna Haters counter-grouping, and an ongoing meme/in-joke in NISLT videos.
  • Heavy Trump. Explanation With the new Heavy vs. Pyro update, people started comparing Heavy to Donald Trump. The main title of the state of war being "Brand Heavy (or Pyro) Great Again" doesn't help matters much.
    • Burnie Sanders. Explanation A pun on Bernie Sanders, one of Trump'south competitors in the ballot.
    • The POOTIS. Explanation The POTUS is short for "President of the United States", which Donald Trump became after his election. The fact that it sounds similar ane of Heavy's infamous lines caught on speedily.
  • "Fixed a problems where x could (chore that x was intended to perform)." Explanation When the Bison's single-enemy penetration was removed as a "bug", numerous mockeries of this change formed. x could be a weapon, a class, or even the game itself.
  • "You were skilful, son. Real good; perhaps even the best." Explanation After the passing of Soldier's voice actor Rick May on April 13th 2020, this line from his character has been used to accolade his legacy.
  • "Oh Soldier, who will they ever notice to supervene upon y'all? ...No 1." Explanation One of Spy's domination lines to Soldier has him say this line to Soldier, just replacing "no one" with "anyone". After Rick May'due south death in Apr 2020, fans quickly took to saying this instead to prove their love for Soldier, given that the original quote hits far besides close to home to be funny anymore.
  • 124 HP Scouts Caption Scouts are Fragile Speedsters with the smallest health pool out of any grade, then for survivability they seek out health packs and call for Medics more frequently. However, many tend to have poor wellness management and do this regardless of their actual remaining health, and their high motility speed means they can quickly beeline towards the nearest wellness pack earlier other classes can accomplish it, frequently leaving their teammates without any means of undoing impairment other than Medics or dispensers. This led to the stereotype of by and large good for you Scouts snatching upward health packs right in front of their wounded teammates and leaving them to die, or constantly spamming the Due east key upon receiving even the slightest scratch.
  • coconut.jpg Explanation Located inside TF2's texture files is an unused epitome of a realistic kokosnoot. On a 2020 Reddit mail showcasing the oddity, a joke annotate was made in the fashion of a frustrated dev note, challenge that the game would neglect to start if the file was deleted. The comment began spreading across the internet in April 2021, with many people, including several gaming news sites, misinterpreting what was said in the annotate to exist true, even though the actual kokosnoot is no dissimilar than whatever other image file in the game. (In reality, the paradigm was meant for an unused particle effect for the Fresh Brewed Victory taunt, with the coconuts existence used for a stream of simulated coffee beans.)
  • The Snake Update Explanation On September 16th, 2021, a general bugfix patch was released. Information technology included some updates to the Capture Point map Snakewater, 1 of which was curiously labelled "Nature & Wild animals preservation measures". It added some snakes. The customs, starved for new game content, instantly labelled the change as a major update.

    Official Valve Statements

  • "After 9 years in evolution, hopefully it will take been worth the look." Explanation A quote from Gabe Newell commenting on the Development Hell that TF2 has went through, and ofttimes used to mock the flaws in the game despite its long development flow (and long life since launch).
  • "My favorite course is The Spy." Explanation Another quote from Gaben. Used semi-often when commenting almost The Spy, peculiarly when complaining almost facestabs.
  • "Besides confusing for new players" Explanation The "End of the Line" update was originally planned to have, amongst other things, a new map named CP_Snowplow, but was ultimately removed from that specific update due to Valve deeming the map "likewise confusing for new players". Mockery of this flimsy justification skyrocketed in the community, resulting in countless videos, sprays, and thespian acrimony, with Valve somewhen adding Snowplow to the Gun Mettle update. That being said, Valve did have a signal about Snowplow; it actually was quite confusing to new players equally even to experienced players, the setup of an attack/defend map being laid out similar a Payload Map, with a damage meter, lead to all sorts of defoliation.
  • "Neato" Explanation Jill, a programmer at Valve and the one who was managing the current Competitive Beta prior to its release in Meet Your Match update, made a postal service on Facepunch about the next Team Fortress 2 update. The postal service reads "The next update is going to be neato. (Am I doing this correct?)". Fans have taken to using the term "neato" when referring to Meet Your Match and anything relating to information technology.
  • "Updated the localization files." Explanation Due to the game being starved for content updates in recent years, players sarcastically began citing the localization files (which announced at the end of every update page changelog) as the about important priority on the TF2 team'south minds.


  • (X) has been kicked/banned from the server for hacking due to (Y) Explanation A comment snowcloned from the kick/ban note by fans, which is used for ironically pointing out the Animated Squad Fortress 2 characters in fan-created SFM videos (dual-wielded shotguns/SMG/Sniper rifles or any other changed details on the weapons) that doesn't faithfully follows the game's mechanics .
  • Rolo Sage Explanation A slang for "Solo Rage" invented by the players from the server, this term is used for various Freak Fortress two players for criticizing the Hale wasting a rage on a single enemy. (So far, it was simply used from Titan TF'southward servers.)
  • The potted plant and the janitor. Explanation Joke lampooning the very wearisome release of updates, with players suggesting that those two are the simply things left running the game.
  • The Crate Low Explanation In late July 2019, an update was added to the game that accidentally made sure crates always drib unusuals. Immediately, the trading customs went in total panic manner, due to the the price of unusuals drastically deflating. Due to this, the crates with the abnormal rates ended upwards with drastically inflated prices, leading to an unusual situation where crates were more expensive than some of the higher-end unusuals. While it was eventually stopped, the unpredictability of the issue and its massive impact led to reports on gaming sites, as well.
  • [VALVE]Due north***rkiller / "RIP Coincidental" Explanation In the early months of 2020, the game was striking with a wave of cheaters, mainly bots playing as Sniper with aimbot to the point that any fourth dimension you'd join a Coincidental friction match, at that place would always be at to the lowest degree one of these bots. One of the more than mutual names for these bots was "[VALVE]North***rkiller", admitting uncensored.
    • Alert: Connexion Problem Auto-disconnect in 17.6 seconds Explanation Late into March 2020, a sudden surge of lagbots became a problem in Casual as well. These bots would act as a normal Sniper aimbot until a vote is chosen to kicking them, which would trigger it to lag out the server, booting everyone back to the principal bill of fare. This made it literally impossible to boot the bots, lest they chance the game getting cut off early. Valve would release a patch in April that fixed this, however.
    • "Good shot mate/Nice shot!" Explanation Many of the Sniper aimbots constantly say this equally they roam around and instakill players, thus making many coincidental players react with fear when it's heard.
    • TF2 Endings Compilation Explanation In wake of the aimbot crisis, fans started to make screens that represented various fake "endings" of TF2, all of which are based on what happens with the aimbots.
  • The Not bad Code Crisis Explanation On April 22nd, 2020, the source codes for both Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive were leaked onto 4chan, leading to a mass panic over the security of the game with the possibilities of remote lawmaking execution exploits and resulting in various community servers shutting down due to these fears. However, after Valve looked into information technology and, upon determining that the leak was from belatedly 2017/early 2018, reported that the game was safe to play, this meme as well as the one below have died down.
  • Can You lot Quack? Explanation Some of the bots during the bot crunch would accept the proper noun Tin can YOU Dishonest? and join servers with the intention of micspamming the song featured in this bizarre video.
  • add together sex activity to tf2 Explanation A nonsensical (likely joke or sarcastic) need that began springing upwards on Reddit in 2021 asking for Valve to add the concept of sex activity itself to Team Fortress 2, ignoring the fact that this would obviously bump the game's rating to Adults Just and have serious consequences. Any update without sex, no matter how much content information technology may accept, is (jokingly) seen as a disappointment past those (sarcastically) in favor of this need.


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